Tuesday, May 3, 2011

4 weeks

I never realized how fast 4 weeks passes. That is until Sarahlynne arrived. I'm sure I've realized it at least two other times in my life after both the boys were born, but I've noticed it especially with her. So much happens and it passes so quickly. In the past 4 weeks:

I've registered Jacob for kindergarten
We had Sarahlynne
Mom came to visit
Aaron went on paternity leave
We've had at least 5 various doctor's appointments
We've had 8 t-ball practices and 2 t-ball games
I've filled out {and picked up} approx. a gagillion pieces of paperwork
Mom went home
Aaron went back to work
and the list goes on....

And in the middle of all that I've been relishing every moment with my sweet baby girl. I took her to the doctor yesterday and she already weighs 8 lbs 10 oz. She is 22 inches long. She is growing every second of every day it seems. And sometimes, I just want to stop time. Just for a little while. But alas, I can't and my baby girl is 4 weeks old today. And what a beauty she is already becoming.
We gave her the name Sarahlynne Louise (Louise after my mom), and like both of the boys her name has great meaning. It means beautiful princess warrior. And every day I watch her grow I feel a tug at my heart to raise her up to embody that in all respects. It is a challenge, and one that God surely will give us strength to fulfill. She is wonderful and I can't wait to watch her grow. That being said, here are a few things about her at 4 weeks, and some pictures taken today!

She LOVES her boppy.
5 oz. formula before bed keeps her happy for 6 hours, and aside from a feeding at around 3:30 or 4:00--we sleep ALL night.
Her swing is a happy place.
She like to lay on her belly over my knees while we're at the dinner table. She doesn't want it any other way. I think when she's in her hammock she feels left out.
She HATES her car seat.
She adores Daddy.
She rolls tummy to back-both ways.
Mommy's chest is her most favorite place to sleep.
She LOVES being in the Moby.
And seeing family and friends on skype.

Magnum Face.

Sweet, SWEET Baby Blues.

Don't grow too fast little punkin'. Mommy loves you so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your posts, and that beautiful baby!!