Saturday, July 28, 2012

Daily Dose: July 28, 2012

Holy lots of photos day! I had two sessions today and still managed to take more photos of my family in one day than I have in ages! And they are so. much. fun. These guys rock my world! 

JoJo came running down from the playroom with these on his fingers saying "I'm a monster, Raaawr!" And I just saw in the background Sarahlynne is waving at me! Love that!

Doing his monster finger tap...I'm a monster! Cutest monster I've ever seen!

One of Jacob's favorite lunches {and Sarah and JoJo's too!} Carrots, CHERRIES & mac n cheese with hot dogs!

Poor Ellie. Aaron made her rabies dog with whip cream.

Licking it off.

Making peace. Kind of. I don't think she was too pleased.

Boonie stompin'. In the yard. yea!

Hair! I love the way she carries around her glasses!

There are really no words for this. But this pretty much sums up JoJo's personality.

This is her "Chhhhheeeese" face!

Sweet children.

Laughing at Daddy.

Monkey face!

Examining something or other. Outdoor baby, for sure.

She looks so chunky! This is her "daddy's burning something or grilling" chair/spot!

Wiping off the wet grass.

Today's banana bunch.

Pretending like I know how to shoot still life/detail shots. There's a reason my specialty is people!

Lots o' bananas.

Cubby learned to ride on two wheels in Germany but got a little rusty in his 2 month hiatus during the moving transition. he's back at it now! And yes, he wears a motorcycle helmet. And?

This is where I shot a family session this evening. Tarague Beach. One of the most beautiful beaches on the island is on base. We are so blessed. 

Feeling overwhelmed with the blessings I've been giving today. What blessings have you been given?


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