Friday, June 5, 2009

Been A While...

It's been a while since I've updated, and things have been a little crazy. Aaron's been working insane hours (like 18 hour days + weekends), so I've been exceptionally busy keeping the boys busy and trying not to go crazy, which is a challenge when you can't drive!!

Aaron finally got to pin on staff the 1st of June. I'm so proud of him!! He's so good at what he does, and he's been waiting almost a year to pin on, so it's about time! The boys are growing like crazy! May 25th Joshua rolled over for the first time! He's such a big boy! I have it on videotape, and once I put it on my computer I'll be sure to post it! He's been so much fun! Cracking up and playing and rolling. And he wants to sit up and check out the scene all the time. He's a hoot. Jacob is getting so smart. Wrote his name for the first time the other day! It looked a little scary, but I was super proud! We're still wanting to get him into German preschool, but without me driving it's a little difficult! There is a bus that will take him, but I can't imagine sending my THREE year old on a bus to school. That just seems crazy to me. Maybe I'm too overprotective.... I don't know....

Anyway, I'm finally seeing some doctors next week and am intrigued to see what they will have to say. I'm still struggling a good deal, but am learning how to deal with it and am getting better to an extent. I definitely think the prayers are helping. I am at a frustrating point in life, where I feel a little stagnant. I love staying home with the boys and being a stay at home mom and full time wife (I know, I know, write this down in a history book, I bet you never thought you'd hear me say that!), but at the same time I hate having my degree unfinished. It's something I really desire to do, and I know I will be working in that field as the boys get bigger and start school etc., and I hate having that part of my life unfinished. So, I'm struggling with that. I'm kind of just feeling un-useful and like I need to be doing SOMETHING, and I'm just not sure what it is. Guess I'm just going to have to keep waiting for God to speak and to remember that everything is in HIS perfect timing, not my own, regardless of how frustrated I am feeling.

Anyway, here a few pictures from recently. Hopefully I'll have something exciting to update soon!!

My boys!
Jacob's first full attempt at writing his name! Diagonal and interesting looking, but I'm so proud!
Joshua in his jumping bouncer! He LOVES it!
With my handsome husband at his promotion ceremony!
Me and my littlest love at the park!
Me with my boys on the tire swing at the schpeilplatz!
Cubby dancing during dinner! What a ham!
The whole fam at the promotion ceremony! We're so proud of daddy!


Natalie "The Pampered Mom" said...

Thanks for updating, I love hearing what's going on with you all! Love the car shoes!

Cody said...

Your boys are such cuties! Glad to see you're doing well, Kayla!!