Thursday, December 31, 2009

Jacob Israel Oeth: Age 4

Today is special. Not just because we're about to ring in a new year. Today, 4 years ago, was the day our first son was born. Before he was born, we prayed for a wild and dangerous child. One that could grow to be a fighter and warrior for the Kingdom. We always believed there was a lot in a name, and after weeks and weeks of fighting, we came across the story in Genesis where Jacob wrestled with the Lord all night, and when it was over, he gave him the name Israel, and he was changed. Thus the nameL Jacob Israel Oeth-born 12-31-05 7:36pm 19 1/2 in. 7lbs 4oz.

From the time he was in my belly, he was a strong headed stubborn little man. Every night, as soon as I would fall asleep, Jacob would kick into my ribs and wake me up. Anytime daddy put his face to my stomach to talk to him, he'd kick him right in the noggin'. From before he was born, he knew what he wanted.

Jacob was never a sleeper. He always wanted to be awake and see the world. Be a part of it. He could put up a fight for hours so that he didn't have to sleep. We created what we called the "super sonic sleeper hold", because it was the only thing that could get him to sleep. He was always social, and always had a heart for the people he was around. He truly, even as an infant knew how to rejoice with those who rejoiced and mourn with those who mourned. Somehow, he innately knew how to be a part of the body. It was incredible. He has and always has had a sense of empathy that most adults never experience.

He is a fighter. Stubborn as an ox. He will battle just to see how far he can go. I've come to believe that he does it to see how much he is respected. I know that sounds silly. He's only 4-how can he know what that means? But each time we battle he seems to respect me more for not giving in. He wants people to care. Seems a silly reason to battle, but I think channeled correctly, could be a great asset to fighting for his beliefs and fighting for the Kingdom in the future.

I've been told several times that you should start picking out your children's spiritual gifts as they grow, even before they are old enough to understand them so that as parents we can cultivate them, encourage them and build them up in the things of Christ. Upon examining Cubby's interactions and living with him day to day, I have discovered so many gifts I believe God has given him. First I think He's been given a warrior's spirit. I think he will be one to fight for other's. He loves the underdog (much like his mommy), and desires for everyone to love. He has been given the gift of truth. The ability to tell it like it is, and have total honesty, and while he has not perfected tact, I believe he will be one to truly share truth in love as he grows. He has a giving spirit. He wants to give of himself and pours all of himself into those he is around. He is contagious. His spirit is contagious. He has the ability to be a leader. He is an intellectual mind. He is persistent and precise. He sees things differently than most. I believe he will be given gifts of the spirit to see things, and understand people in only ways that God can see them.

He is an incredible little boy with a warrior's spirit, and a kind heart. and though many days I am discouraged by our battles, there are so many things about him that I love. His big brown eyes, his infectious laugh, his huge smiles, his one liners, his love for his brother, his desire for others to be happy, his courage, his 100% -ness, his silliness, his imagination....and the list goes on.

Here's to my Cubby Bear. Happy birthday, sweet boy. Mommy loves you MOOOOORE than the most!

Jacob Israel 12-31-05 7:36pm 19 1/2 in 7lb 4oz.
The only way he would sleep for a long time. In his boppy.
Flying Baby!
In Gramma Barbara and Grampy Jerry's Pool.
Fighting Sleep.
When Busy Bear was still blue.
Sweet boy.
So fun and happy!
This was when he got his first tooth.
Happy. Daddy was home from Iraq.
What we hear often.
He's always had a disproportionate butt. Hilarious.
1st Chirstmas with his best friend Jadyn.
Dukie liked to knock him over when he first learned to walk.
Almost 2!
Fishing Picnic.
Loving on Daddy.
2nd Christmas!
California to visit Mike and Lish.
Cozy reading in Lisha's bed.
Wisconsin before leaving for Germany.
Walk in Germany!
Fun at Eifelpark Gondorf with Mommy!
3yr old!
Daddy's in Columbia! We're Happy!
Going to the top of the tallest Bavarian Peak in a Cable Car.
Eating Belgian Waffles in Belgium with Mommy on her birthday.
Wishing Weed.
Showing his strutt.
He learned how to pee in the bushes this year.
Fall shoot. So handsome.
Christmas time!
First snow of the year, and last snow as a three year old!

Happy Birthday Cubby!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This brought tears to my eyes. I love him. And I love you both for having him. Happy Birthday Jacob!!!