Saturday, February 20, 2010

Joshua's 1st Birthday Celebration in Photos

We didn't do anything big for JoJo's birthday. He doesn't like a lot of commotion, and we really just wanted to do something with us, so it was spaghetti and meatballs for dinners, some presents and a little cake made by Mommy! So here's Joshua's birthday fun in photos! Enjoy!

On Jo Jo's actual birthday. Had to get a picture of my sweet 1 year old!
Sweet features. A perfect ear. And a precious curl.
Baby blues. A button nose.
Perfect little feet. Even though they are exceptionally large. He gets that from Mommy!
Perfect little one year old hand.
Eating Dinner! Big boy at the table-Pushed up in his chair, no tray!
Waiting to open presents! He smiled and said cheese! So cute!
His very own computer!
Playing with his new tractor truck. It's awesome.
Another new toy. He loves to stack things!
Gears, gears, gears! The boy loves gears!
Playing gears with daddy.
Ready to taste his cake!
First touches and tastes. I know, the cake is a little sad, but I have obviously not perfected writing on cakes. You can at least tell the red yellow and green colors are balloons! Haha!
EEEEE. Funny faces for Grandma.
Jacob shoving cupcakes in his mouth. Hilarious.
He clearly thoroughly enjoyed his cake! Check out that curl. Love it.
A special birthday treat! Grandma got to join us from across the world on skype to watch JoJo indulge in his birthday cake! Thanks for coming, Grandma!
He wanted Mommy's camera. No dice, big man.
You can't tell me that's not mischief written all over that face...
Trying to pick the chocolate out of his nose. Hate to break it to you, buddy, but that's not going to work!
Looks like it's bath time! I love those chocolatey fingers!
Bath time=fun time!
"How old are you JoJo", to which his reply is shown above!
He was cracking up! Little water dog!
Splish Splash I was taking a bath!
Snuggly time with Daddy waiting for jammies!

It was a good birthday. Can't believe you're one little man. You're growing oh so fast. Slow down a little, if nothing more than for this Mommy's heart. I love you.

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