Wednesday, July 22, 2009

I've Been Tagged

8 things I am looking forward to:
1. Taking Jacob and Joshua to Wisconsin in October so Joshua can meet my grandparents
2. My parents coming to Germany.
3. Meeting Mike and Lisha's baby girl after she's born!
4. Going to the North Sea next month.
5. Christmas (i am always ready for christmas...) --I agree, Jo!!
6. getting to drive again-hopefully soon.
7. starting school again
8. some me time

8 things I did yesterday:
1. Dishes
2. Checked my email, facebook, blogs
3. Laundry
4. Played basketball outside with Cubby
5. Played with Joshua
6. Cooked dinner
7. Shopped on amazon
8. Watched Marley and Me with the hubby before bed.

8 things I wish I could do:
1. Drive.
2. Have some form of fashion sense
3. Knock some sense into people in Washington - agree again, Jo!
4. Wear cute shoes again
5. Have more patience with my three year old.
6. Be able to be happy being still, not so intent on doing everything RIGHT NOW.
7. Be better about keeping up long distance friendships that I value.
8. Keep the house clean, and enjoy doing it.

8 shows I watch: (Don't have many options since I don't have American TV and have to get everything online, but I'll include what I liked stateside!)
1. Grey's Anatomy
2. Lost
3. Dirty Jobs
4. Law and Order: SVU
5. The weather channel
6. Heroes
7. The Office
8. Fox News

8 people I tag:
1. Natalie
2. Bonnie
3. Aunt Pearl
4. Kelly
5. Melissa
6. Steph and David
7. Kristen
8. I'm not sure I know to many others with a blog......

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