Monday, July 6, 2009


Dear Germany and your Fly Season,

Please go away. You are disgusting. If the flies continue invading my house, I'm going to have a serious issue. Maybe if you'd pick up your trash more than once a month it would help....just a thought.




Natalie "The Pampered Mom" said...

Are the fliesbover there that bad? Why us that?

Kayla Oeth said...

They really are! Partially because we have huge windows with no screens. And we have no air conditioners, so if you want to cool your house off you have to open your windows! And also, with the excess of cows, donkeys, horses, goats etc. in people's front yards and the fact that they pick up trash ONCE a month, yes, ONCE a month, the flies breed like crazy. It's DISGUSTING!