Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Today's Blessings...

Today is one of those days that I feel annoyed. I'm struggling, and it's a day I need to count my blessings to keep my head above the water. I hope some of you know what I'm talking about. So, here are the blessings I've found in today:

*Joshua's laughter and giggles
*After nap hugs from my boys. They're the best.
*A message on my facebook wall from Elizabeth telling me she was thinking of me and she missed me. I needed that.
*A morning with my husband. Even though he has to work until midnight. It was night to have him around until almost ten.
*Hearing about all the things Jacob did at school.
*Talking to my mom.
*JoAnn offering to watch the boys on Monday without me even asking. What a huge blessing! Thanks, JoAnn!!
*A quiet hour to relax and have a bath.
*A beautiful crisp fall day where I got to have my back door open all day long. Amazing.
*Pink Lemonade
*Getting to order a few new shirts!! Can't wait until they come in!
*Getting to have some quiet alone time in the house tonight after the guys go to bed, even though I'm sad that Aaron has to work so late.
*Grilled cheese and tomato soup dinner.

Yes, blessings everywhere. Take a deep breath, it will be a good night!

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