Wednesday, January 27, 2010

An Elephant Never Forgets...

So, my 4 year old's memory ALWAYS amazes me. If he retains this type of memory, I'm in big trouble later in life! After we got home from school today, Jacob and JoJo were watching our new 40th anniversary Sesame Street movies while I was making grilled cheese. This is about how Jacob and I's conversation went:

Jacob: Mommy, remember that one time 500 months (okay-so his time table is a little off haha!) ago when after school we went to see the REAL Elmo at Bitburg?

Mommy: I do remember that Cubby. It was lots of fun.

Jacob: I know, I know! It was really fun! But, Mommy, I was a little bit mad at you.

Mommy (a little shocked and saddened by this): Cubby why in the world were you mad at mommy? We had so much fun!

Jacob: I KNOW we had fun mommy. I even got to give Elmo a hug, BUT YOU (very accusatory tone here) told me Big Bird would be there and he WASN'T! *gasp*

Mommy: I'm so sorry Cubby, I figured he would be. But, there were lots of other Sesame Street friends there.

Jacob: I know Mommy, there was Elmo, Zoe, Grover, Cookie Monster and Rosita. It was so fun. But I was really counting on Big Bird to be there.

Ouch. Sorry Cubby. And while I appreciate your ability to remember fun times we've had together, I really hope you forget those little things and don't hold them over my head for the rest of my life! Silly boy!! So, here's to Elmo and all of our Sesame Street friends and the nice mom next to me who took some pictures and e-mailed them to me because I forgot my camera!!

Trying to see over all the other kids. They gave out those cool Elmo things he's holding for free to all the kids. Thank you, USO!
Cubby telling me about it and JoJo dancing! Fun!
JoJo as loving it!
So happy!
Watching Elmo
The whole gang that was there.

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