Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sweet Baby girl @ 2 months

So, this post is about 2 weeks late, but its time to do Sarahlynne's 2 month update! At her check up she was 11 lb 11 oz and 23 inches long! She was a trooper with her shots! Took the oral stuff like a champ. Didn't make a peep for the first two shots and then screamed like her feelings were hurt for the last one, but a little snuggle from Mommy and all was well. She was SUPER grumpy the rest of the day, but it wore off pretty quick. She still has super blue eyes and her hair is growing fast. She's smiling and playing now, and is just more fun than I ever imagined. Her personality is a LOT like JoJo's at this age, which makes me very excited. She sleeps between 7 and 10 hours a night, and is eating 6 oz. every 4 hours during the day. Growing so fast! Some things she currently loves:

*Her minky blanket
*Her "Doggy Busy Bear" as JoJo calls it (Her little blankie!)
*Mirrors, or ANYTHING she can see herself in. She thinks its hilarious
*Quiet morning feeding with Mommy.
*Being called Pretty Pretty Princess and being told she's loved. Smiles every time.
*JoJo singing Itsy Bitsy Spider and Wheels on the Bus to her.
*Hitting the toys on her play mat. Especially the round one with beads that spins.
*Her cloth diapers. When we put disposables on her, she screams the very second she is wet. She doesn't like them!
*Being in the Moby wrap with Mommy.
*Walks in the stroller.
*Seeing Granmda on Skype and listening to people on the phone.
*Sleeping on Daddy's chest.
*Being on her belly

She is growing so so fast. And while I can't wait for all the things coming, I'm savoring every sweet moment. Those little baby girl smiles melt my heart. I love you pretty, pretty princess, and Mommy can't wait to keep watching you grow!
On a walk. Such a happy girl.

Sleeping on one of our adventures.
Mommy love.
Hanging out with mommy. Sweet baby blues.
I don't know what this face is, but she's a trooper on our outings!
Tummy time!
This is how I feel a lot of the time, baby girl!
Two months old, and pretty as ever. <3

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