Saturday, August 20, 2011

Happy 7 Years Punkin'...

It's really amazing how much can happen in 7 years:
3 moves
2 states
a new country
countless European adventures
4 houses
8 cars
1 motorcycle
lots of puppies
3 amazing kids
1 baby in heaven
1 car accident
1 military deployment
1 spousal deployment {for medical tests and the birth of JoJo}
becoming a business owner
and so much more....

On Aug. 21, 2004 I married both my best friend and the love of my life. I never imagined then how fast 7 years would fly, or even how much could happen in a short 7 years.

The beginning of our marriage was a whirlwind, from improvising the big wedding I'd planned for so long to a simple beach wedding with just our parents, to switching jobs and being apart the first 4 months of our marriage, to getting pregnant with our surprise first child only 10 months after we'd been married. This is when we truly began to learn that God's timing would never be our own.

It's been an amazing 7 years growing and learning. It's always humbling to look back at where you started out and then see where you end up so many years later. And to think back at all the people and things that changed you, and realize how blessed you truly are. For not only has it been an amazing 7 years growing and learning with my best friend, but one that has been blessed by other amazing couples who push us and pull us to emulate the love of Christ in our marriage. What an incredible impact that has had on how we grow and learn.

It's been 7 years of both hardships of and blessing. We have learned together how to take things as they come, head on, and overcome them standing side by side, holding each other up. And there is no one I'd rather fight next to, or anyone else I'd rather have hold me up when I am falling. He has been my biggest motivation and encouragement during times of hardship, pushing me to trust and be confident in myself. He has also been my biggest fan and encourager in blessings as well. I rejoice in the 7 years of blessing, and am ever so grateful for the 7 years with hardships that have taught us to grow together.

And aside from all of these things, it's been 7 years of FUN. What a blessing it has been to be married to someone who knows all of my quirky ways, and appreciates them and encourages them, and even sometimes plays along with them. From funny faces, to nights of trivial pursuit to playground hopping to silly dance parties and more, I am grateful for the laughter and joy and fun the last 7 years has brought to my life!

Thank you, my love, for loving me these last 7 years, and for taking me as I am. For always encouraging me to be confident in who I am and what I have to bring to the table {even when you have to convince me I have something to bring to the table}. Thank you for making life fun and for continuing to be spontaneous even after 7 years. Thank you for remembering the little things, and making sure you surprise me from time to time. Thank you for flirting with me, and making me feel beautiful still, even after 7 years and 3 kids. It is more important to me than you could ever imagine. Thank you for making me feel important and for making family time important. Thank you for loving our children; for showing the Bash Brothers how they should treat their wives when they get older, and for showing our princess how she should be treated by her future husband, and for telling her she is beautiful, both inside and out. Thank you for always encouraging me to pursue my dreams and take time for myself. Thank you for giving me three BEAUTIFUL children.

For giving me one who is hard to handle, and as curious as they come. One with stubbornness and a warrior's spirit, but a heart of compassion for those around him. It teaches me patience and unconditional love in ways that I never thought I could have them, but reminds me constantly that both of His hands are equally skilled, and that He will use both the stubborn ways and the rich compassion to make Jacob something great.

Thank you for giving me one that is silly and light hearted. One who is a Momma's boy and takes care of me. One who makes other's hearts happy and one that lights up the room with his presence. One with a gentle spirit. He reminds me to be gentle and fun loving, and not take life too seriously. One who helps me remember that relationships and the people who surround us are what life is about. Joshua exemplifies what God built us for--to take care of one another and build each other up through relationship.

And thank you for giving me a sweet princess. One who has such a fantastic mix of her brothers. One who is able to be independent, but desires the love around her and wants to make others happy. One who is smiley and cuddly. One who has the heart of my Mother and Grandmother. She reminds me how tender a heart is, and makes my heart happy and light. I think she will be one of empathy, and one to hold her ground, and keep her feet solidly rested in the hands of Jesus.

Thank you for loving me. I love you more than anything and more than ever, punkin'. Thank you for making life fun and exciting. You are more than I could have ever asked for in a husband and father, and I can't wait for another 7 years and more.

Happy Anniversary.

1 comment:

Positively Whimsy said...

What an honor to your husband and family! You are blessed!