Friday, September 9, 2011

5 Months Young

So, I'm a little behind on blogging, but Sarahlynne turned 5 months on 5 September. These shots were taken the day after! She is sitting up on her own for short periods, talking up a storm, eating cereal and oatmeal like a champ and trying her hardest to low crawl. She is seriously such a light in our lives. Here are a few things Sarah loves these days:

*Watching Jacob's soccer practice. Not to mention all the attention kid give her.
*Greetings. If you walk into a room and go past her and not acknowledge he, she gets her feelings hurt and you will most definitely see the bottom lip.
*Dinner time in her bumbo. Now that she is eating some solids, she LOVES sitting at the dinner table in her bumbo with the family.
*Pizza Crust.
*Being tossed in the air by Daddy.
*Bath Time! She likes to kick her feet to splash!
*Swinging on the swings at the playground with Mommy.
*Her hands and feet. I've never seen a baby study her hands and feet as much as this girl.
*Laughing for no good reason. So hard she snorts. It. is. awesome.
*Napping in her crib.
*Snuggle time.
*Anything where she can see herself (i.e. mirror, facetime etc.)
*Skyping with Grandma is a DEFINITE favorite. Especially now that she can sit up and chat.
*Talking with her hands.
*Being a little sister. Girl ADORES her brother.
*Mornings. Nothing like waking up to her grabbing her toes, rolling like and egg and laughing and talking in her crib.
*Her sleep. Still my 12 hour baby!

And here are her 5 month shots:

I'm tellin' ya, girl LOVES her toes!

Thanks for being so much sunshine in our house, baby girl. Slow down, don't grow so fast. Mommy loves you so so much.

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