Sunday, November 13, 2011

1/2 Year (A wee bit late!)

So this post is late. Like really late. But, better late than never right? When her six month birthday hit, I seriously could NOT believe it'd been 1/2 a year. It flew by so fast. And I still can't believe how quickly she is growing, and changing and how beautiful she is, inside and out. Such a ray of sunshine. She started eating cereal, sitting up, and blabbering more and more. She wanted to pretend she could crawl, but instead just rolled. Everywhere. She also started waving and signing "All Gone". Here are a few things Sarahlynne loved at six months:

*Jumping. Of any kind. All the time.
*Rolling from one end of the room to another. Then laughing hysterically about it.
*Being tickled.
*Snuggles. Especially with Mommy.
*Going in circles on her circle walker.
*Watching the boys in play in the playroom.
*Eating dinner at the table with the family in her bumbo.
*Sitting up on her own.
*Being outside.
*Layla Belle. Especially when Layla licks her face. She thinks it's hilarious.

Here's a few photos I snapped the day she turned 6 months:

Chuckling at her brothers.
Concerned face.
Got her toenails painted for the first time!
Sweet baby hands.
Mommy, no more photos, please!
Lovin' the bumbo.
Pretty, pretty girl.
<3 Happy baby.

We love you sweet princess. More and more every day. Don't grow so fast. Love you much to much.

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