Friday, November 25, 2011

7 Months and Growing!

I feel like Sarahlynne's 6 month just disappeared into thin air. I can't believe she's on the downward side of turning a year. On her 7 month birthday she cut her first tooth, and the second came shortly after. She's been sick with croup and a sinus infection the majority of her 7th month but continues to be one of the happiest babies on the face of the planet. She's starting to talk (Dada, hi, bye bye and MaMa when she's REALLY mad!). She is a loving sweet baby and seriously makes our house so much happier! Here are some things she loves at 7 months:

*Trying to crawl. Rocking on all fours, and then inevitably going backwards, typically getting her back half stuck under a couch!
*Skyping with family.
*Talking to Grandma on the phone.
*Singing patty cake and then bouncing and squealing "yahhhhh" after each time. Then grabbing my hands to start again.
*Watching Sesame Street's Word on the Street with JoJo.
*Watching Mommy do things in the kitchen.
*Sleeping in her swing.
*When Daddy comes home from work. He always get a squeal, and most notably the last few days, a wave and a "hi Dada!" followed by LOTS of giggles. Girl loves her Daddy.
*Bath time! And playing until ALL the water is gone.
*Eating. Everything and anything!

Here are her 7 month pictures out in her first and last fall for the next few years!
I see those teeth!

She knows the drill.
Love those dimples. <3

Yummy! A leaf!

I love you baby girl. Slow down please. You're growing too fast for this Mommy. I love you much too much.

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