Thursday, July 26, 2012

Daily Dose: July 26, 2012

So today was one of those days I didn't pick up my camera. We were home most of the day and I was working on unpacking {yes, still} and folding massive amounts of laundry. I just really didn't get time to pick up my camera and it was a day the kids were all. over. the. place. Seriously. I probably couldn't have gotten a decent photo if I tried. So, here are a few from probably a week and a half or so ago that I haven't posted! Hooray for beginning to catch up on the mass of amounts of photos I have on my computers!

I'm pretty sure she gets more beautiful every day.

Book baby. I'd expect no less.

Big boy book lover. So proud of my reader.

JoJo checking out the space book with Cubby.

Just reading.

Wait! Cubby has a book too! 

I bought this piano for a photo prop. Sarahlynne has confiscated it for the time being.

This is the story of teaching the most uncoordinated 6 year old in the world to catch a baseball.

Seriously concentrated.

And this is what happens. Moves glove. Turns to the side. Gets hit in the chest. 

Shakes it off and is ready to try again. I can't say it got much better after that, though...

JoJo practicing a batting stance.

One word: Trouble. 

So glad this is becoming a habit. Feels good sharing my own kids and capturing them as they grow, even if some days are photos from a week ago or three months ago. Photos are so precious....


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