Monday, July 30, 2012

Daily Dose: July 30, 2012

So I missed yesterday. We were SO. BUSY. all day yesterday I didn't even have time to sit down and edit something old. Church, run errands, Mommy went to go help set up VBS then went to shoot a maternity session then home to edit some sessions I'm behind on. Had to work with no play yesterday. But not today!
Today was our first day of VBS. Even though I don't have any photos of that, we had a LOT of fun. I'm a crew leader this year so JoJo & Sarah were in the nursery and preschool area and Cubby is participating, but they ALL had a blast. And were tuckered out. So after we got home close to two, it as naps and then lounging around. Good days, these are. 

After naps Sarah wanted to share a pillow and snuggle with Cubby.

Silly girl.

This is a terrible photo. However, I could NOT leave it out. It was an accidental catch and is blurry because right as I was trying to take a photo of Jacob, Sarah flipped to go the other way and kicked him RIGHT in the face. With JoJo's crocs on. Sad, but kind of hilarious. This is what goes on in my house. 

JoJo practicing his letter. Upside down at that. I have a talented child. 

I asked him to smile and this is what he gave me. Can you tell how completely thrilled he is!? :)

Cubby laughing at Sarah.

I like to entitle this "Retaliation". He laughed at her, so she whacked him in the head with a flip flop.

Her sad face with the flip flop after I told her she shouldn't hit. 

This is how we play in our house. Yup, cardboard paper towel tubes. Makes a sweet noise when you talk through it! Best part, she figured it out all on her own!

Handsome Cubby.

Writing upside down is intense. But look at that great pen grip! Go JoJo!

Sweaty mohawk baby. But at least we have hair!


Hopefully I won't slack off and miss days anymore. But here's to a happy Monday to all those just starting out your week!


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